Luciano Schiazza M.D.
c/o InMedica - Centro Medico Polispecialistico
Largo XII Ottobre 62
cell 335.655.97.70 - office 010 5701818

Puffy eyes are a temporary condition where the skin around the eyes appears swollen.
Puffy eyes are different from having eye bags: puffy eyes are a consequence of fluids trapped in the tissues around the eyes (edema), eye bags are due to permanent accumulation of fat.
The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin and fluids can easily get trapped in.
Puffy eyes is not a disease in itself but is a symptom and many factors can lead to temporary puffy eyes:
excessive drinking alcohol or eating salty foods before going to sleep
side effects from certain drugs,
crying eccessively,
lack of adeguate water intake,
high blood pressure,
irritation caused by contact lenses,
hormone fluctuations,
excess of sodium in diet,
not adeguate or sound sleep
redness in eyes,
itching in and around eyes,
sometimes, there is inability in opening eyes waking up .
There is no sure cure for puffy eyes because of several and different causes and individual response but this condition can be treated by some remedies.
In severe condition doctor should be consulted to rule out serious disorders or side effect of any medication taken.
What to do (home remedies) for treating normal puffy eyes (not caused by other eye conditions):
Metal tablespoons. Place 4-6 metal tablespoons in the refrigerator. Place their backs over the eyelids. When the spoons become warm, replace them with another pair from the fridge. Do this until
Cotton-wool pads. Soak cotton-wool pads in a bowl of ice-cold water. Squeeze most of the liquid out and lie down with the dampened pads over the eyes and replace them as soon as they warm up for about 15 minutes
Tea bags. Soak two teabags (green tea) in hot water for 3-5 minutes, take them out and let them cool until they are warm to the touch. Lie down, relax, put the teabags over the eyes and cover with a soft cloth. Remove them after a few minutes.
Tea bags. Wet tea bags in cold water and chill them in the refrigerator. As they are cool enough, keep them on both eyelids.
Cube of ice. Wrap it in a paper towel and hold it over each eyelid for a few minutes.
Cucumber. Peel and wash the cucumber. Slice it into 1/8” discs and them float in cool tap water for a few minutes. Shake them off well before applying to the eyes. Alternatively you can put them in the refrigerator for a few hours, to enhance their cooling nature. Lean the head back, place a slice of chilled cucumber on each closed eye and let them stay for at least five minutes.
Salt bath. Make a solution of one teaspoon in one pint of hot water. Soak cotton pads in this saline solution and keep them on both eyelids for a few minutes.
Eggs white. Get a couple of eggs white and whip them up in a bowl until they are stiff. Using a brush, apply the eggs whites under the eyes and let the mixture sit and dry for a few minutes before rinsing.
Splash of cold water. When you wake up, immediately rinse the face with several splashes of ice-cold water (the coldest you can stand) using either cold tap water or a mixture of cold water and ice cubes in a large bowl or tub. Splash for up to 3-4 minutes.
To prevent puffy eyes:
stay hydrated.
drink lots of water daily (at least eight-ten glasses),
refrain to consume sugary drinks,
wash the face with the coldest water you can stand immediately after you wake up,
limit salt intake,
get enough quality sleep,
take proper sleep with regular timings,
sleep with the head elevated higher than rest of body,
snack on bananas and raisins (alleviate fluid retention),
consume cabbage or cranberry juice (both are diuretics),
don’t turn to caffeine as a diuretic because it can interfere with sleep,
limit intake of alcohol,
make regular exercise to improve circulation,
remove eye make-up before sleep,
avoid rubbing the eyes,
remove contact lenses before bed.
Puffy eyes aren’t dangerous, but they are very unpleasant to look at. Everyone know how attractive the look can be.